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00001 /*
00002 wxMessageDialog:// On hold(not using it right now).
00003         Click on its MAIN parent window does not highlight itselft 
00004         because "this" does not imply MAIN parent but a derivative of MAIN parent.
00005 cDatabaseGuiAct:- Need to implement OnSize function to make the column header
00006                                 expands perfectly.Fix the scrolling window when expand main
00007                                 database dialog window.
00008                                 - For some reason, must draw the GUI at cDatabaseGuiAct
00009                                 (ie. ShowModal() must be execute in cDatabaseGuiAct, otherwise
00010                                  event functions are not working.)
00011 */
00012 //********************************************************************
00013 // Implementation of PUBLIC member functions.
00014 //********************************************************************
00016 //********************************************************************
00017 // Implementation of PROTECTED member functions.
00018 //********************************************************************
00020 //********************************************************************
00021 // Implementation of PRIVATE member functions.
00022 //********************************************************************
00023 /*
00024 wxString::Format(_T("Item %d"), i)
00025 wxMessageDialog *pMessage = new wxMessageDialog(this, wxString::Format(_T("%d"), m_pListVSizer->GetSize().GetWidth()), wxT("fsd"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, wxDefaultPosition);
00026 pMessage->ShowModal();
00027 wxMessageDialog *pMessage = new wxMessageDialog(this, ("A"), wxT("fsd"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, wxDefaultPosition);
00028 pMessage->ShowModal();
00031 +: Done
00032 TODO:
00033         Logic: If Database::OnCancel() num of databases == 0, disable all notebooks.
00034         Logic: Rigth way: If cConnectGui::OnCancel() but was connected successfully, then IS STILL CONNECTED.
00035         Bug: On DB::Add(), check doc for valid DB name(number only name is forbidden).
00036         Bug: OnDelPress for Movie & Music, update other tab too.
00037         Error checking for date: xxxxx::GetDate() && xxxx::SetDate() == '--' in MySQL. cMovieWidgetAct::OnUrlEnter()
00038         OnCategoryChanged(): change reset poster image(na.jpg).
00039         CopyFile() <==> with PosterPath(ie. ./Poster/);
00040         md4 textctrl == uppercase letter on keystrokes.
00041         onDoubleClick(): Don't copy image file right away to Poster directory.
00043         Lib bug:
00044         OnItemDelete(): For Win32, GetItemCount() == 1, GTK GetItemCount() == 0
00045         Functions that need to be "Cross-platform aware".
00046         cPreference::SetPosterPath(); add '/' or '\\'
00047         cImageMainPanel::ExtractFileName();
00049 */

Generated on Wed Feb 25 01:15:09 2004 for eDonkeyFilesManager by doxygen 1.3.2